graw böckler garageN |
(44) vangjush vellahu
this work (the printer) its part of a long project called "a piece to remember" that is composed of a collection and preservation of different objects that belong to a long path of emigration structures. but only if you have seen each and every page printed and while printing, you will be able to understand and be affected by that final page.
vellahu is a visual artist focused mostly on different forms of storytelling particular to specific communities; b.1987 in pogradec, albania, lives and works in berlin.
(46) tanya v. abelson
the wheel or the beginning of the universe -the watermelon!- is the core for a prototype of motion that will develop during the garagen days.
abelson's works explore through sculpture, the tension and balance of crossing materialities for the narrative of a dystopic reality.
(47) mercedes farias
where is this insect driving me to? what is this drama going on inside this flower? what about all these tiny wonders living in plänterwald? i am exploring them in my garage by diving into the microworld.
mercedes farias is a biologist artist explorer.
(48) pani jeziora
tribute to all dead animals killed by cars on roads. come and stop by a shrine, liesten to a mouring song, light a candle and mourn along.
pani jeziora (pl: jezioro = lake) comes from city called lodz (boat) as well as her dog rybka (fish). her father was selling swimming pools and her mother was a swimming teacher. as funny as it sounds - these are all facts.
(49) sofia lomba
I create series of drawings around, inside and about body, producing images that are placed somewhere between botanical studies and genitalia, between plants and flesh, exploring gender and identity issues, body transformations, pregnancy and birthing, sexuality and its representations.
sofia lomba works around and with body identities and transformations.
(50) manuela barczewski
die arbeit saat beschäftigt sich mit transgenerationalen stories.
manuela barczewski (geb.1973 in barczewo, polen) ist eine deutsch-britische künstlerin, fotografin und musikerin. sie lebt und arbeitet in london, uk.
(51) kim laugs
ballorgie ist ein spielerisches setting, das die korrelation zwischen effektivem und mentalem raum durch variationen in richtung und entfernung von klang und lichtsensorik in einem raum ohne direkt sichtbare grenzen hinterfragt.
kim laugs ist soundkünstler. er lebt und arbeitet in brüssel.
(52) graw böckler
artefacts are piling up in our garage over the period of 4 days.
ursula böckler and georg graw are in collaboration as "graw böckler" since 1997. their artistic work is across video and still photography. the subjects derive from daily surroundings and from personal experiences.
(53) maria kremeti
we got 2´. i do your portrait, you do mine. we exchange them. ready?
maria kremeti is a thessalonikian based in berlin.
(54) paul arambula
i will complete the vocals and lyrics for a handful of songs that i never finished from 2 years ago that are my first songs with only guitar on the arrangement.
i am a singer/songwriter but try to avoid sounding like one by not writing songs on the acoustic guitar but now i will try it.
(55) octavio garabello
i want luxury cars in my garage.
neuköllns infamous painter.
(56+58) ellinor aurora aasgaard & zayne armstrong
a fabric backdrop for a car scene, passenger and driver sides split to make room for the viewer, toggling through changing landscape paintings, infected by the precarious acid trip of self realization.
ellinor aurora aasgaard and zayne armstrong started working together in 2018 on the serial video project days, an absurdist soap opera. a recurrent question for them is: what role can storytelling and world building have in creating real communities, and how can sculpture be used to set the scene?
(57) denise lim
just dance or in other words there's no such thing as the individual but the individual is immediately given.
denise lim is a dancer and choreographer based in berlin.
(59) sam marshall lockyer
i will spend a week responding to the garage, to experiment with an intuitive logic relating to the space itself. loose thoughts about links between the car garage and the shipping container; size, storage, vessel... but then a response to the colours of the trees outside, the pattern of the floor, the electrical wire casing on the walls...
sam marshall lockyer is a visual artist currently doing a residency at de ateliers in amsterdam.
(60) sayaka kuramochi
ursprung meiner sehnsucht ist, die geheimnisse der menschheit zu erforschen und sich der wahrheit zu nähern, aber in letzter zeit habe ich mich auch gefragt, wie man selbst hoffnung werden kann, statt hoffnung zu haben.
sayaka kuramochi ist medienkünstlerin. sie ist postgraduate studentin an der khm in köln.
** Teil der Initiative DRAUSSENSTADT, gefördert von der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa sowie der Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung. |

graw böckler garageN, near Erich-Lodemann-Straße 79, 12437 Berlin