books dvd & br-d by graw böckler


pandemic walk - the character book

the character book by graw böckler portrays the protagonists of the video "pandemic walk". the photos were taken between 2009 and 2023.

25x20 cm, 200 pages.

pandemic walk


the catalogue of the exhibition at jubg, cologne + diario 1a parte

20x25cm, 432 pages.



concepción diario 2a parte

"concepción" sounds like an idea, sounds like - conceptual art. yes, but no: concepción is a city, it is located in chile, it is not very big, but not too small either, it is the city to which this exhibition is dedicated.

20x25 cm, 396 pages

concepción diario 2a parte

compania carbonifera e industrial lota

a walk through the ruins of the "compania carbonifera e industrial lota" with fabian casilla and manuel rivera zamorano.

25x20 cm, 74 pages


istanbul in west germany

katalog zur ausstellung "residence 6" von graw böckler im projektraum west germany, berlin.

22x28 cm, 96 seiten.


new body: old home

photo book

13x20 cm, 262 pages.


ursula böckler: die photos der "magical misery tour" mit martin kippenberger - die "magical misery tour" ist eine künstlerreise. kippenberger sammelt material und interagiert mit den urbanen strukturen, es entstehen zahlreiche aktionen im öffentlichen raum. böcklers auftrag ist es all dies zu dokumentieren. es entstehen über 150 aufnahmen bei denen sowohl ihr persönlicher blick als auch die visionen des legendären künstlers zusammenfließen:

kippenberger posiert vor modernistischen skulpturen und gebäuden; ´taped` sich an eine riesige reklame-bierflasche; ahmt am strand von maceió kniend die eichen-pflanzerin des 50-pfenning-stücks mit einer kleinen palme nach; "martin gibt öffentlichen skulpturen neue namen oder signiert sie mit seinem zeichen (...)."

die reise beinhaltet auch die legendäre aktion des kaufs der tankstelle martin bormann. "wir halten an einer tankstelle, die martin gleich komplett kaufen will und auf den namen ´tankstelle martin bormann´ tauft. er erläutert mir, dass bormann ein ranghoher nazi gewesen sei, der nach südamerika entwischt ist und nun eine "gas station" irgendwo in brasilien betreibt. paperback

21 x 26 cm, ca 160 seiten/pages, ca 150 s/w b/w und/and farb./col. abbildungen/ images. text: deutsch, english, português brasileiro. isbn 978-3-9813370-4-4. bierke verlag


old fashion - these images show dresses, hats, sunglasses and more clothes from our mom who passed away in 2015. they were well stored in a wardrobe in the back of a jam-packed chamber. i suppose the dresses are from the late 50s until the late 80s. some i could recall, others i never saw or just couldn´t remember. mom seemed to have been a fashionable woman! i wondered how those dresses did look on her? since the clothes smelled mouldy, i probably would have thrown them away, but ursula refused. so we came up with the idea to ask friends to act as fashion models for the dresses of my mom. if they liked what they wore, they could keep it. our friends were super supportive. even the ones who didn´t enjoy to pose in front of a camera, were ready to participate. ursula well pushed the project forward, always finding another item and another friend to engage with. so the following images are not only a recollection of our moms fashion, but also a collection of friends wearing what you probably would call "old fashion". (print book, 160 pages)


edificio copan, die photos der mmt, solo shows, 240 minuten!, cinesesc, carneval, sao paulo, graw böckler - photo diary by artist couple graw böckler about their stay in sao paulo in january 2018. part of the research "on the tracks of the magical misery tour", funded by berlin senate for culture and europe. (print book, 208 pages)


gas station martin bormann - 31 years depois - 1986: emerging photographer ursula böckler accompanies the german artist martin kippenberger on the second part of his "magical misery tour" throughout brazil. they travel from salvador to maceio, recife, brasilia and finally to manaus. one of the most influencing art works from this tour is a gas station in salvador de bahia. martin kippenberger bought and transformed it into the art work "tankstelle martin bormann" (gas station martin bormann). martin bormann was a nazi commander who mysteriously disappeared after wwii. then he was suspected to be in latin america..

not only martin bormanns whereabouts were mysterious, but also if kippenberger really bought a gas station, if the gas station existed and where it was situated. in 2017, 31 years later, and almost 20 years after martin kippenbergers death, ursula böckler and her partner georg graw returned to salvador with a research grant by the berlin senate, traveling on the tracks of the "magical misery tour".

during the research in salvador de bahia they were able to relocate the "tankstelle martin bormann". the photographs show the original site – still a gas station, but now a super modern one - in color and b/w. the gas station attendants are fascinated by ursula böcklers interest and by the 31 year old photos she is showing to them: a travel in time to a premodern brazilian gas station that became the source of an iconic work of art. part of the research"on the tracks of the magical misery tour", funded by berlin senate for culture and europe. (print book. 84 pages)


avenida da praia - portraits of passers-by on new years 2018 at the barra promenade, salvador da bahia. part of the research "on the tracks of the magical misery tour", funded by berlin senate for culture and europe. (print book, 120 pages)

2017/ 2018

salvador sculptures - real and imaginary sculptures, photographed in salvador de bahia. part of the research "on the tracks of the magical misery tour", funded by berlin senate for culture and europe. (print book, 240 pages)


morro da liberdade - a visit to manaus, brazil. we are staying with family in the neighbourhood morro da liberdade. then visiting the small village purupuru in the amazonian region. (print book, 336 pages)


man kann sich seine familie nicht aussuchen, sus amigos tampoco - photo book about friends and family of ursula & georg during the period when they are moving from cologne to berlin. (print book, 240 pages)


question to radio yerevan - 53 jokes with images from armenia (print book, 112 pages)

Question to Radio Yerevan

more mexican than molly - photo diary mexico (print book, 108 pages)


dollar blau - photo diary buenos aires (print book, 284 pages)

2014 / 2006

maximo dijo que no le gustaba la muestra - photo diary buenos aires (print book, 182 pages)

2014 / 2005

we didn´t learn tango - photo diary buenos aires (print book, 180 pages)

2014 / 2012

after the crisis - catalogue (print book, 74 pages)


fairytale science - photo book about elbsandsteingebirge (print book, 52 pages)


non narrative three - 3 films directed & produced by graw böckler (dvd & br-d)

non narrative three

unauthorized commercials - all films directed & produced by graw böckler (dvd & br-d)


commercials for a concept - curated / produced / 8 films directed by graw böckler (dvd)


loop pool on ice - curated / produced / 3 loops directed by graw böckler (dvd)


loop pool ping pong - curated / produced / 1 loop directed by graw böckler (dvd)


loop pool - curated / produced / 1 loop & introduction directed by graw böckler (dvd)


how to - all films directed & produced by graw böckler (dvd)


super 8 jahre - all films directed & produced by graw böckler (dvd)


visuelle intelligenz - photokisten (web book & 1 printed original)


generation uscha - photo book (print book, 98 pages, ISBN 3-928342-74-6)